Art in Nature text over a bonsai tree sculpture
Running nest sculpture
Heron sculpture
Bonsai tree sculpture
Bonsai tree sculpture

Symbiosis in Nature: Sculptures by Annie Mariano

June 13-Sept. 7, 2024

Exploring the interplay between art and nature, artist Annie Mariano’s exhibition delves into the intricate tapestry of symbiotic relationships that bind the natural world. Through stillness and observation, we unveil the fluidity inherent in both nature and sculpture, where forms intertwine and evolve in harmony. Each piece serves as a mirror to the interconnectedness of living beings, highlighting the delicate balance maintained by ecosystems, with the hope of encouraging people to slow down their daily lives and observe the beauty amongst us. As you wander through the grounds, we invite visitors to contemplate the reciprocal relationships between nature and humanity. From the gentle curve of a leaf to the intricate patterns of a butterfly or heron’s feather, witness the beauty of nature's design mirrored in the craftsmanship of sculpture. Ultimately, this exhibition serves as a reminder of our responsibility to nurture and protect the environment that sustains us. By fostering a deeper appreciation for the natural world, we strive to inspire a harmonious coexistence between people and nature, ensuring a thriving future for generations to come.

Cost: This exhibit is included with general daily admission; $20 for ages 16 and older; free for ages 15 and younger. Indigenous peoples receive waived general daily admission to the Arboretum when making a reservation by calling 612-301-6775.

Artist Headshot
Headshot of Annie Mariano

About Annie Mariano

Annie Mariano's artistic vision is rooted in a profound appreciation for both art and nature, nurtured over a lifetime. Through her metal sculptures, Annie breathes vitality and motion into static forms. Her work invites viewers to sense the pulse of life within each subject. Working primarily with steel and stainless steel, as well as incorporating bronze and aluminum, Annie channels her passion for both the natural world and artistic expression into pieces that resonate with a dynamic sense of existence.